About Barnes & Noble
When it comes to seeking the ultimate Book store experience in Seattle, Barnes & Noble at 5353 Almaden Expy demands your attention. Their 4.6 stars ratings, based on 12000 Google user reviews rating and accessible phone number, +14089790611, provide a glimpse into their excellence. Follow us on a journey to explore what makes them a standout option for Book store enthusiasts.
Get reviews, ratings, address, phone number and everything you need to know about Barnes & Noble here.
Barnes & Noble hours
Day | Timing |
Monday | 9 AM–8 PM |
Tuesday | 9 AM–8 PM |
Wednesday | 9 AM–8 PM |
Thursday | 9 AM–8 PM |
Friday | 9 AM–8 PM |
Saturday | 9 AM–8 PM |
Sunday | 10 AM–8 PM |
magazines & more
Service Categories
- Book store
- Cafe
- Childrens book store
- Hobby store
- Toy store